For those of you who haven't bought tubing yet I wanted to give you a general feel of what the price difference between Dillsburg and ACS is.
I bought 24 feet of of 7/8 x .058 tubing from ACS. Cost with shipping a little over $100.00
I bought the following from Dillsburg:
19' of 1 1/4" x .065
18' 4" of 1" x .049
72' of 7/8" x .049
19' of 7/8" x .035
36' 8" of 3/4" x .035
18' 4" of 5/8" x .035
Total cost including $50.89 shipping was $404.29
Unbelievable !
183 feet of tubing for $353.00 from Dillsburg as compared to 24 feet of tubing from ACS for $90.00.Edited by: Jerry