A lot of you might have seen this S-1E on my YouTube channel. If not, I'll post links to the videos below.
Short story: This airplane was built by a 5 time Pitts builder, but it was built for his friend. His friend flew it for 8 hours and was too scared to fly it. So the airplane and engine I'm told only has 8 hours on it. Note that I believe the sellers story, but there are no airframe or engine logs. I planned to get it back into flying shape. I took it apart, went through it all, did some work, and was ready to fly it when I decided to have the C/S prop rebuilt. Sent prop to shop in Ohio and turns out when they did what ever tests they do, they found cracks in the blade hubs. So I needed to replace the prop, but then found and bought another Pitts that I've fallen in love with! There is no prop or governor with this project. Again, you can see videos on my Kitplane Enthusiast channel.
My plan now is to restore the E model. I've removed the covering from the lower wings and ailerons, and then the project stopped there. I'm in the middle of building a Zenith Super Duty bush plane that I'm focused on. I've also started investing in real estate and I'm just getting ready to launch a new business selling my own line of kitplane seats. In other words, I have so much going on that I know this E model will sit here for 5 or 10 years before I get back to it. Also, as soon as the Super Duty is finished, I'll be selling my airpark home and moving south. I don't want to move the Pitts project. This is a well built E model.
I'm asking just $15k obo.
Contact: [email protected]
Short story: This airplane was built by a 5 time Pitts builder, but it was built for his friend. His friend flew it for 8 hours and was too scared to fly it. So the airplane and engine I'm told only has 8 hours on it. Note that I believe the sellers story, but there are no airframe or engine logs. I planned to get it back into flying shape. I took it apart, went through it all, did some work, and was ready to fly it when I decided to have the C/S prop rebuilt. Sent prop to shop in Ohio and turns out when they did what ever tests they do, they found cracks in the blade hubs. So I needed to replace the prop, but then found and bought another Pitts that I've fallen in love with! There is no prop or governor with this project. Again, you can see videos on my Kitplane Enthusiast channel.
My plan now is to restore the E model. I've removed the covering from the lower wings and ailerons, and then the project stopped there. I'm in the middle of building a Zenith Super Duty bush plane that I'm focused on. I've also started investing in real estate and I'm just getting ready to launch a new business selling my own line of kitplane seats. In other words, I have so much going on that I know this E model will sit here for 5 or 10 years before I get back to it. Also, as soon as the Super Duty is finished, I'll be selling my airpark home and moving south. I don't want to move the Pitts project. This is a well built E model.
I'm asking just $15k obo.
Contact: [email protected]