For anyone interested . . I have the prints, directions and pictures on how to construct the FireBolt style rear sliding 2-place canopy. I used it on the SkyBolt with no modifications. I will loan them to anyone interested in building it or to get ideas from.
One word of caution, although it looks and works great, a real macho canopy, it is difficult to build especially for a first time builder. It is also relatively heavy.
I also have the drawings for the Marquart gear - which I would not recommend to anyone - but that doesn't mean someone wouldn't like to try it. They are free for the asking.
One word of caution, although it looks and works great, a real macho canopy, it is difficult to build especially for a first time builder. It is also relatively heavy.
I also have the drawings for the Marquart gear - which I would not recommend to anyone - but that doesn't mean someone wouldn't like to try it. They are free for the asking.