I have heard that manyStearman flyers/owners turn their noses up in the air when the subject ofreplicas of 'their' planesarise.
With Wacos' being Certified airplanes, does the Waco community have a similar deal going on, or is home building encouraged?
Personaly I think that kind of snobbish elitist attitude is harmful to aviationin the long term. A homebuiltreplica of a cert' plane built from the ground up impresses me far more than a guy with a fat wallet[no disrespect to Waco owners in generalintended].
With Wacos' being Certified airplanes, does the Waco community have a similar deal going on, or is home building encouraged?
Personaly I think that kind of snobbish elitist attitude is harmful to aviationin the long term. A homebuiltreplica of a cert' plane built from the ground up impresses me far more than a guy with a fat wallet[no disrespect to Waco owners in generalintended].