"I think Beej is absolutely right about this. Spar weights can vary huge as well as other stuff. If you want to know the answer, weigh each type of rib and multiply by X ribs. Heck, I would like to know this answer for a Skybolt. Anyone have a plywood Skybolt upper wing rib they can weigh? I could weigh a truss rib this weekend when we go to the hangar. "
I didn't want to muddy the other thread with the answer to Jim's question. Page 11 of the Skybolt Builder Guide, the one you get with the plans, under Wing Ribs... Hal made the comparison.
The difference between the built-up truss ribs and the routed plywood ribs is 7.25 lbs. The routed ribs being the heavier.
Might as well put the weight of the spars in here.
Spars Weights:
Sitka Spruce: Top Wing 34.5 lbs
Bottom Wing 23.5 lbs
Douglas Fir:Top Wing 43 lbs
Bottom Wing 26 lbs