After discussion of this company's products on this site, I asked the company to provide me a sample to look at.
For those not familiar, you can order a SKybolt fuse from Steen that is tack welded, fully welded, or you can order materials and build your own from scratch.
What Cartesian tube provides is a product to fill the gap...they can send you a shipment of tubes that are cut and notched per plans. All you would have to do is jig them and weld them. I think it's a nice gap-filler for those builders that don't have the confidence to cut and notch, but don't have the cash ($10k) for a tacked fuse. These kits start at$2500, plus shipping. So, for about $3500, you can avoid cutting and notching.
The sample sent to me had 6 different angles cut, one on each end of three pieces. The photos below show the fit and finish of these cuts from a couple of different angles.
My overall impression is very good. Good fit, smooth cuts, right on the money in measurement.
While I can't attest to the quality of an entire kit as far as fit and correctness, I can say the sample is very good.
For those not familiar, you can order a SKybolt fuse from Steen that is tack welded, fully welded, or you can order materials and build your own from scratch.
What Cartesian tube provides is a product to fill the gap...they can send you a shipment of tubes that are cut and notched per plans. All you would have to do is jig them and weld them. I think it's a nice gap-filler for those builders that don't have the confidence to cut and notch, but don't have the cash ($10k) for a tacked fuse. These kits start at$2500, plus shipping. So, for about $3500, you can avoid cutting and notching.
The sample sent to me had 6 different angles cut, one on each end of three pieces. The photos below show the fit and finish of these cuts from a couple of different angles.
My overall impression is very good. Good fit, smooth cuts, right on the money in measurement.
While I can't attest to the quality of an entire kit as far as fit and correctness, I can say the sample is very good.